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I know a Gal Housesitting Petsitting Okotoks



Have you ever needed to drop something off but you're running late or there's just no time? What about picking up your drycleaning that has sat too long at the cleaners? Little tasks get pushed aside because of a lack of time...

I know a gal can help!

Pink Balloons

Need to return your Amazon parcel? A reminder to grab a gift, or decorate for a party? Send me your task list and we can help check off the boxes!

I know a Gal Housesitting Petsitting Okotoks
I know a Gal Housesitting Petsitting Okotoks

Surprise guests

Need a clean or a couple items picked up at the grocery store and you are already too busy? I may be able to help!

I know a Gal Housesitting Petsitting Okotoks

OOPS, I forgot

Need a gift? Or need a reminder to get a gift,  and that your anniversary is coming up? We can set up a plan to help remind you of important dates.

Gift Time

A little holiday help

Need help wrapping gifts or taking down the decorations after the holdiays? 

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